What to Expect When You're Expecting Larvae is a fun and unique piece of non-fiction for children. While not a likely source for writing a scientific paper on the lifecycle of insects, it is perfect for children who have lots of questions about baby bugs. Covering topics like where different insects lay their eggs, what different types of adult and infant bugs eat, and what they look like; this book should answers many questions, and drive the curious child to look for further books.
A good read aloud book, or something a child can pick up on their own, the text and information is well assembled for the younger curious child. The illustrations are colorful and cute, though some children may want to see photos of actual baby bugs. Some of the humor will go over younger children's heads, but adults should enjoy reading it as well.
A good purchase for a public or elementary school library. Use along with your science unit on insects, your children's bug house, or just in spring when bugs start appearing.
Also posted at: http://www.gonzoyalibrarian.blogspot.com
Book source: ePub provided by publisher via NetGalley